Saturday, May 28, 2011

~B R A C E S~

Posted by atirah mutaza at 11:59 AM 0 comments
what is braces??
braces ialah pendakap gigi yang membetulkan susunan gigi,jogang dan juga bagi gusi yang mempunyai masalah
pada zaman sekarang braces itu sudah menjadi trend coz ramai memakai braces hanya disebabkan trend. .
tapi sekarang ini aq bukan lah nak cakap pasal trend
aq nak share sikit bile hati nie terbuka nak pakai braces n care apabila mula2 sekali nak pakai braces nie
coz ramai yang tanya pasal sakit ke x pakai braces nie??susah makan ke x??macam2 lagi lah
now ira nak share

firstly,sebelum nie ira x de pown perasaan nak pakai braces coz tak berani
tapi parent ira ade jugak suruh pakai tapi time tu hati nie still tak minat lagi nak pakai braces,terutama bila dengar kena cabut gigi dahulu. ira pown lagi bertambah tak nak la. .hehehe
tapi tak lama kemudian kakak sedara ira pown pakai braces. .die lah yang bnyak bg thu ira mengenai baces nie. .bnyak kali jugak la ira tanya walaupown bnde tu dah bnyak kali kakak sedare ira cite. .
ira pown fikir pnya fikir akhirnya membuat keputusan bahawa ira mahu g klinik gigi tapi bukan pasal braces. .ia mengenai gigi ira kuning. .
then parents ira pown bawa la ira ke klinik gigi yg cousin ira g tu. .masa jmpa Dr tu ira menanya jika ade ape2 cara untuk menghilangkan kuning yang ade kat gigi ira nie. .Dr pown bg thu caranya ialah memakai gel untuk putihkan gigi. .tapi sebelum tu ira harus susun balik gigi coz gigi ira tidak tersusun. .dengar cara itu ira pown harus memakai braces. .

first doktor just check gigi dahulu then membuat x-tray sebelum ira pakai untuk tahu teruk ke tidak jongangnya ira nie n berapa batang yang kena cabut. .Dr bagitahu gigi ira tak la jogang sangat. .then kena cabut empat batang gigi 2 ats n 2 bwah. .n kena tampal di bhgian gigi hdapan yg berlubang

pada next appointment aq kena cabut gigi,hati nie time tu takut sngat coz x pernah cabut gigi kat klinik.
masa cabut tu mula2 Dr akn cucuk dahulu ubat bius dekat gusi yang tempat gigi yang kene cabut. .sebanyak 2 kali. .then Dr biarkan bpe minit bagi ubt bius tu kebas kan mulut smpai bile Dr usik gusi aq,aq dah tak terasa.masa cabut tu tak sakit just rasa macam bnde ketat yang perlu dicbut. .aq pown x sedar bile gigi dah cabut,thu2 je dah cabut. .lepas cabut Dr akn bagi kapas dan ubt tahan sakit. .bile ubat bius tu dah habis pastia kan rasa sakit jugak tapi depend pada setend2 owang la kalau yang jenis x tahan sakit macam aq die akn makan ubt tahan sakit tu, then bagi yang tahan sakit die tahan je la tanpa makan ubt. .

then lepas seminggu aq cabut 2 batang gigi,aq pown cabut la lg 2 batang gigi lagi. .cara cabut kali nie plak laen sakit coz Dr laen. .Dr yang nie pula die mnggunakan ubat bius spray bkan cucuk. .ubat bius spray nie biusnya kurang sikit then die sekejap saja,x sma mcm ubt bius yang dicucuk. .masa cabut tu terasa la jugak sakitnya sikit. .

lepas tu bape mnggu kemudian aq tampal gigi hadapan yang berlubang tu n pasang getah bagi merenggang kan gigi belakang aq itu supaya senang nanti untk meletakkan besi tu. .

setelah 2 or 3 mnggu mcm tu akhirnya aq pasang braces. .mula2 Dr letak dahulu besi yang berbentuk gigi itu bagi besi tu menjadi tempat yang mengikat wire nnti. .then melekatkan besi bentuk empat segi di setiap gigi. .after that ltak wire n pasangkan getah yang berwarna warni. .getah tu kowang boleh pilih sendiri colour ape yang kowang nak pakai. .tapi kowang akan terasa sakit sikit coz first time pakai n wire ketat. . tapi jangan risau sakit tu tak lama. .one more thing jgan takut untuk makan nasi lepas pakai tu k x semestinya kena makan bubur. .coz masa ira tu ira belasah je makan nasi. .hehehe

apabila kowang dah memakai braces kowang akan kena beli 3 jenis benda iaitu:
1.berus gigi khas braces,berus gigi tu berbentuk seperti berus gigi biasa cuma berus die berlainan sedikit dan   berus gigi tu boleh didapati di guardian n watson. .
2.berus gigi interdental untuk mengosok dicelah-celah gigi bagi mengeluarkan sisa2 makanan yang ade di celah gigi. .berus nie boleh dibeli di watson or guardian. .
3.air kumuhan ini hanya perlu digunakan semnggu 2 kali rasa. .hehehe,sowy la ira x ingt bpe kali coz dah lama x pakai. .n hnya di jual di klinik gigi sahaja. .

follow up
setelah dah pakai braces,kowang akan ade follow up bagi setiap bulan untuk tukar getah n wire. .

selepas 9 bulan tu kowang akan kena pakai getah bagi menarik gigi kowang kebelakang. .getah itu boleh dicabut. .tapi ia perlu memakainya setiap hari dan mnukarkannya pada setiap pagi selepas gosok gigi. .

Tips Nak Pakai Braces

Posted by atirah mutaza at 11:56 AM 6 comments

Hari ni aku nak share pengalaman aku dengan korang tentang liku-liku kehidupan seorang IRON GIRL ;) Aku nak cite pengalaman. Pengalaman tak boleh dijual beli kaw tau tak. Pengalaman pon tak boleh diwarisi dari seorang ayah yang bertaqwa. Eceh asal macam pernah dengar je ayat tu. Tampar nak? Ah sembang lebat tak guna, jom baca pengalaman aku yang precious ni. (geli? aku pon!)

ini lah picture masa first time aq pakai braces
Nurul Atirah! Sudah memakai braces selama 1 tahun namun gembira & berhati girang. Pakai braces sebab ada kuning pada gigi dan jongang.

Kalau aku kata tak sakit. penipu. nampak sangat aku nak promote orang pakai braces haha! Sakit oi. Tapi mula-mula je la. Sakit dia tolerable. Kalau korang pakai braces, ada 4 jenis kesakitan yang korang bakal alami.

1. SAKIT BILA PAKAI SEPARATOR - separator ni adalah penjarak gigi. orthodontic akan letak separator kat in between gigi geraham korang yang kuat tu supaya gigi korang jarak-jarak sikit. Separator ni dipakai before orthodontic fix braces kat gigi korang. Kiranya rasa sakit tu sekali je. Tahap kesakitan adalah melampau sampai tak boleh nak makan apa-apa. Lama kesakitan : 3-5 hari

2. SAKIT SEBAB ADA ULCER - ulcer ataupon nama kampongnye mate ikan akan mula menumbuhi mucous membrane, justin bibir & lidah. Aku pernah cipta rekod 7 ulcer dalam satu masa. Tahap kesakitan adalah tahap tahap ayam jer kalau nak dibandingkan dengan kesakitan yang dialami ketika memakai separator. Kenapa boleh ada ulcer? Good question ladies & gentlemen. Sebab braces tu adalah besi yang dianggap foreign matter oleh cik mulut. Lagi satu, cik mulut menghadapi masalah adaptation yang menyebabkan brackett braces berlanggar-langgar dengan anatomy cik mulut anda. Lama kesakitan : 1minggu atau lebih bergantung kepada kehebatan cik mulut mengadaptasi

3. SAKIT SETIAP KALI FOLLOW UP SEBAB WIRE TERLALU KETAT - kesakitan ini akan datang menghampiri anda setiap kali anda balik dari follow up (sebulan sekali). Orthodontic akan ketatkan wire supaya gigi anda rapat. Tahap kesakitan bergantung kepada berapa ketat orthodontic tu bikin. Rasa sakit dia macam gigi nak luruh. Lama kesakitan : 1-2 hari.

4. SAKIT SEBAB CABUT GIGI - haa yang ni ramai orang cuak. cabut gigi memangla sakitkan sebab gigi tu sihat, utuh & cekal. Tapi apalah sangat cabut gigi sebatang dua untuk kecantikan yang abadi betol? Bagi aku semua ni bergantung kat kecekalan semangat kita. Kalau ko pikir sakit-sakit dah tentu arah la sakit. Cuba la sekali sekala korang pikir, alangkah indahnya cabut gigi, akan kucuba jadikannya satu hobi di waktu senggang. Kan? Aku dulu kena cabut 2 gigi. Geraham ok. Sebelum cabut gigi, kena 4 injection anestesia. Nasihat aku, 30 minit sebelum cabut gigi, telan pain killer & jangan tengok jarum. Yang penting, tabah bAbe!

Buat bende nie makan belanja yang banyak jugakla,dalam RM 4k itu pown belum masuk dengan cabut semua lagi. Follow up pulak every month. RM150 setiap kali pergi. Tapi dia depends jugak orthodontic nak ganti apa, wire/brackett/band etc. Sekarang follow up aku every month. Memang terasa mengalir a duit tu. Kalau nak murah buat kat government. Waiting list 2-3 tahun. Tapi dorang focus more on budak sekolah.

Tak susah. Yang penting follow up jangan miss ok. Follow up tu penting untuk determine progression gigi. Anyway, sebab pakai braces, jadi aku pakai 2 jenis tooth brush. 1 yang khas untuk braces (boleh cari kat guardian/watson) & 1 lagi interdental. Sebab pakai braces, makanan senang terlekat kat brackett, so it is advisable untuk beli interdental toothbrush supaya senang nak remove plaque. Aku kalau gosok gigi lama kot. 10 minit jugaklah. Lepas tu terus rasa penat, malas nak mandi LMAO. Oh ya, aku pergi mana-mana mesti bawak mineral water n interdental. You dont want that broccoli to stuck on your brackett dont you?

Bangga. Asal nak segan? Sekarang nie kan dah ramai owang pakai,dah macam trend dah lagi ut. Eh jap jap pernah jugak segan masa cabut gigi tu kan. Gigi gongak wakakaka. Sebelum buat presentation siap buat disclaimer kat rakan sekelas, bagitau yang gigi aku gongak, kalau nak gelakkan silalah -__-. Tapi bila gigi dah mula teratur, thats the sweetest thing ever baby. Memang la aku nak senyum sampai telinga. The thing is, bila korang pakai braces, orang akan pandang korang like korang ni alien. Korang kena cekal & build up your confidence level. Dorang pandang tu bukan sebab korang nampak bodoh atau buruk. Tapi its just that, braces tu jarang orang pakai & people tend to stare & menghayati keunikan braces itself LOL ! 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ini saja pengalaman yang aku boleh share for the time being. Hari jumaat baru nie aq baru je follow up. Aq tukar colour grey. First2 nak colour dark green or red but colour tu tak de jadi aq pilih je la colour grey. But bile tegok balik cantik jugak.Biase lah tngok la sapa pakai. hehehe

Harap dapat membantu korang sedikit sebanyak ;) Sorry kalao terover. Anyway, bagi aku pakai braces takdelah teruk mana pon. Takdelah sakit sangat. Sakit kejap je lepas tu okdah. Macam sekarang ni, memang aku dah tak rasa sakit langsung. Coz dah biase pakai. Mungkin 6 bulan yang pertama je kot rasa uncomfortable lepas tu korang rasa selesa sampai rasa sayang nak bukak! So pada sapa yang nak berbraces tu, sila teruskan niat anda! Akhir kata, yang baik datang dari Allah & yang buruk itu datang dari saya sendri. Take care!

which one is better??

Posted by atirah mutaza at 2:57 AM 0 comments
S I N G L E  OR  I N   A  R E L A T I O N S H I P  ??

Friday, May 27, 2011

A , B , C ...............

Posted by atirah mutaza at 2:46 PM 0 comments
saya budak baru belajar
A , B , C , D , E , F , G , H , I , J , K , L , M , N , O , P , Q , R , S , T , U ,V, W , X ,Y , Z
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Posted by atirah mutaza at 2:33 PM 0 comments
hye u all
ira just want to say sory coz dah lama x update blog 
bape hari lepas blog ira x boleh bka kat google chrome
nie pown ira bka kat mozilla firefox 
nie pown nasib baek mahu bka 
klau tu ira sedih giler coz x dapat nak on blog n share something dgn kowang
pe pown sory k. .

apabile aq mula merapu

Posted by atirah mutaza at 2:26 PM 2 comments
jantung mengatakan kehilangan tetapi mulut mengatakan tidak
tetapi sebenarnya adalah benar
sekarang benar-benar dia berubah   
aku tak tahu kenapa
adakah sebab salah aku?
tapi sekarang aku ingin menebus kembali apa yang aku dah lakukan pada dia
tapi apa yang aku lihat
ia seperti tidak percaya pada aku walaupun mulutnya mengatakan percaya kepada aku
tapi aku tahu yang dia tak percaya dekat aku 
tapi bila aku fikir macam aku sowang je yang lebih-lebih
tapi dia tidak
tolong la bagi aku kesempatan sekali lagi untuk menebusnya  kembali

Monday, May 23, 2011


Posted by atirah mutaza at 11:50 AM 0 comments
seseorang tu akan bahagia ape bila melihat orang yang dia sayangi itu juga bahagia 
What would a person is happy when he saw people who loved it too happy

ما يمكن أن يكون الشخص سعيد عندما رأى الناس الذين أحب سعيدة جدا

Quid beatus homo videns qui nimium dilexit illud

Che sarebbe una persona è felice quando ha visto le persone che amava troppo felice

Ano ang isang tao ay masaya kapag nakita niya mga tao na minamahal ito masyadongmasaya

Bila Cinta

Posted by atirah mutaza at 11:38 AM 0 comments
Bila cinta kini
Tak lagi bermakna
Yang ku rasa kini
Hanyalah nestapa
Ditinggalkan cinta masa lalu

Dulu kau tawarkan
Manisnya janjimu
Yang ku sambut itu
Dengan segenap hatiku
Bila engkau pergi

Hilangnya cintamu
Menusuk hatiku
Ternyata memilih
Cinta yang fana

Perginya dirimu
merobek jantungku
Hingga ku terjatuh
Dalam harapan

Hilangnya cintamu
Menusuk hatiku
Hingga ku terjatuh
Dalam harapan
Dalam harapan

cInTa tErAkHiR kU

Posted by atirah mutaza at 11:29 AM 0 comments
Kau cinta pertamaku. .kau cinta terakhirku. .Tiada apa yang bisa. .Menafikan kasih kita. .Kau ayu di mataku. .Satu antara seribu. .Tiada tara di dunia. .Mungkin kan terputus di tengah jalan. .Mungkin kan terlerai tanpa ikatan. .Usah ragu dengan takdir. .Kau ayu di mataku. .Satu antara seribu. .Tiada tara di dunia. .Mungkin kita kan berbeza haluan. .Berakhirnya cerita percintaan. .Segalanya ketentuan Tuhan. .pe pown kau adelah cinte terakhir ku. .
Posted by atirah mutaza at 9:20 AM 0 comments
sowy dah lama tak update coz tak de idea nak tulis pe. .
huhuhu,sowy. .
dalam kebelakangan nie aq ade masalah sikit. .
hati nie asyik rase aq nie macam x penting
x de masa langsung untuk diri aq
kadang-kadang aq rasa macam "ade,tapi macam x de"
lebih baek x de drpd ade. .
ade pown klu wat sakitkan hati wat pe. .
hati nie selalu sedih n menangis memikirkannya
aq selalu fikir pasal dulu
aq nak macam dulu balik
aq rindu keadaan yg dulu. .

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Renovate My Bedroom

Posted by atirah mutaza at 1:22 PM 0 comments
Salam. .
sekarang nie aq bz sikit coz 
memerah otak untuk memgubah suai bilik ku kepada lebih cantik
dari 1STAR ke 5STAR. .
berangan je lebih aq nie. .
huhuhu,sowy. .
nie la bilik aq yg sekarang. .

walaupown x mcm 5STAR
but ok la wat masa nie bagi aq
cantik jugak la
tapi lepas nie insyaallah akn lebih cantik selepas aq sudah ubah suainya. .
klu anda ingin melihat selepas sudah di ubah suai. .TUNGGU!!!!!!


Posted by atirah mutaza at 1:08 PM 0 comments

Feng Shui Bedroom Tips


To make sure that every family member has his personal space at home, you can use these feng shui bedroom tips for designers.
Bedrooms should be possible away from the door to people they feel more comfortable and secure.
Recreation room must be cleared of any unnecessary items – desks, sports equipment and dtugi things that are associated with some activity.
The bed must be covered when not in use.
It should not be directly opposite the door and a window. This creates anxiety and tension.
The bedroom furniture and avoid sharp edges. They pose a hazard.
Items stored under the bed will bring anxiety at night.
The feng shui bedroom of the parents must be big and spacious, but in any case not cold and uninviting.

Modern Bedroom Decoration Ideas


Modern Bedroom Decoration

Bedroom is the  room is your personal space, because there you can relax at the full, and drove body and soul and get rid of accumulated stress during the day in thebedroom .Decorate your bedroom according to what person you are to feel most welcome there and be as successful your holiday. Try the basic idea of the bedroomto have fresh broadcast detente and soothing tones. However, the modern bedroomis the place where to rest and give your body and your mind, and bright colors will be accurately entered in this harmony.

Modern Bedroom Design

It is difficult to determine the most appropriate color fothe bedroom design. The pattern in the bedroom can be neutral in color or floral. Some may truly enjoy the tranquility of the clean pale patterns in the bedroom , while others prefer more solidcolors and interesting accents in the bedroom .
To facilitate your choice for the bedroom , selected some of the most popular colorfor a modern bedroom.

Bedroom Interior Design


Bedroom Interior Design

Your bedroom interior design is extremely important because the bedroom is the inner sanctum sanctorum every house. The bedroom design is where you go to relax and just unwind after a long and sometimes stressful day.It is important then that the bedroom is designed to fulfill your needs. Not only does this bedroom interiorneed to look good in the eyes, but also must be soothing to the soul. Bedroom interior design can be a challenging task because the bedroom is not only very romantic place, but at this age, where stress is taking its toll on many a good night’s sleep is an increasingly rare commodity. Before you start tearing down walls, it makes sense to talk about bedroom interior design plans with your partner if you have one.


Bedroom Interior Design

A romantic bedroom interior should reflect the ideals and people.The bedroom is a place for rest and relaxation. Bedroom interior design needs to take into account, berths you choose to have adequate size to accommodate you easily.

Modern Beds Design

Modern Beds Design

The bedroom is a place in your home where they expect to find the best form of relaxation and comfort possible. This is where you can get all important sleep and needed some rest after a long day of tedious work. Whenever you feel being alone and away from all forms of noise and distraction, always thinking about staying in your modern bedroom. There is no denying that this is the bedroom design of the home you love most.Seeking for furniture for your bed to make it look appealing and pleasing to your eyes? Of course, in picking contemporary furniture for your modern bed, your taste should reflect into it, this is when modern bed comes into the picture.

Modern Beds Design

The good thing is that there are masses of variety of modern beds design, so you have lots of options to choose from. These days, you can find modern beds designfrom traditional to complicated ones. The choice is yours; it’s time for you to bring out the creativeness out of your system.

Contemporary Bedroom Furniture


Contemporary Bedroom Furniture

If you are looking for quality bedroom furniture then you should go for contemporary brown bedroom furniture. By choosing such furniture can add luster and shine to your bedroom that will make really attractive. We all know that there are manymodern styles available in the market. All you have to do is to do a little research for your contemporary bedroom furniture and make a choice about it.


Contemporary Bedroom Furniture

As regards the use of white , he is in high demand for modern bedroom designer ,  you can make a choice between tradition and  bedroom furniture design. However, you will find that bedroom furniture design are high in demand because of their sheer flawless shine. Using the known white people for centuries and is very popular.Bedroom is very personal and important, there must be a plan with much care. There are a number of color trends that are popular. You will enjoy the depth of black while using modern  contemporary bedroom furniture.

Contemporary Bedroom Furniture

You can make changes to other members of your modern bedroom as a table, shelf, toilet, etc. But to try select some colors that should gel with bedroom furniture. You get what you want, while choosing your bedroom furniture, the store operated.If you find a problem in getting enough projects in contemporary  bedroom furniturethen you can help on the Internet.


Contemporary Bedroom Furniture

Contemporary bedroom furniture comes in various shapes and designs. You can share your theme with the manufacturers and may require for the same set ofbedroom. You can make a rough design before it is finalized. Always pay attention to small details like what your bedroom is the color of adjacent walls, curtains and other items used in the contemporary bedroom.

Bedroom Designs


Contemporary Bedroom Design

How you decorate them, what sort of bedroom furniture design and ornamentation you choose reflects our values and interests. Contemporary bedroom trends combine a number of stylistic elements which go together to form a unique, inimitable look. The arrangement of the bedroom and the décor is often eclectic yet harmonized to form a cool, collective ambiance. Much of contemporary bedroom design emphasizes sleek, smooth minimalism but you’ll find that this doesn’t preclude a little warmth and coziness.


Contemporary Bedroom Design

How do you define contemporary bedroom design? The word “contemporary” simply means modern or current. So in essence, contemporary bedroom means that it is abedroom design that is more of a sign of the times. Design of bedrooms was very much different decades ago, more so centuries ago. Therefore, you may think ofbedroom as a relatively new school of thought in the world of interior design.The difference between contemporary bedroom design with other types of interior design is that others make use of decors to try to enhance the look.

Bedroom Bedding


Master Bedroom Bedding

If you are looking for a way to make your bedroom cozy, pleasant and modern place, the first thing you should consider are the fashion trends of bedroom bedding. If you want to deal with fashion, think of luxury and warmth. Whether you prepare yourbedroom for hot or cold months, and follows the trends, consider the colors, layers of bed linen and mixed styles.Fortunately, there are a variety to choose from as collections of bed linen, updated with many different proposals and wishes styles. Today bedroom bedding provides a mixture of different styles from bohemianmodern, made of luxurious fabrics, rich fabrics and decorative trimmings combined with attention to detail, bringing the feeling of high quality underwear.

Master Bedroom Bedding

Blak and white bedroom bedding will always be modern, not just for coolness in summer, but as a classical secret to achieving a comfort room. In winter white cottoncan be “heated” with pale blue, earth brown, dark pink and multiple layers of fabric.You can not go wrong if you take as a basic white color and texture and use accessories to give the required heat in the atmosphere in the bedroom. You can get a sparkle in her bedroom without being accused of lacking taste. Bed linen and master bedroom bedding with metallic reflections such as copper and gold may well be combined with the rich colors in the coating bed and pillows.


Master Bedroom Bedding

Natural patterns and influence in the bedroom is no longer something new. You can select a model of an olive leaf, earth colors and rustic furniture, which will recreate all the random beauty of nature. In the modern style of freedom of choice is the greatest. You can start with a neutral bed linen and bed base to target finecashmere accessories like blankets and pillows with a rich texture.The idea is to keep clean bed lines and a bottleneck at the same time to bring a warmth of bedroom bedding.Bedroom accessories are important to achieve comfort. Skin, complex embroidery, sequins, artificial leather and velvet are very popular. Add such a position and yourbed will receive a refined appearance. Colors can be used in many ways, but mostmodern way to express your individual bedroom bedding style is an abundance of decorative pillows.

Girl Bedroom Decoration

Posted by atirah mutaza at 12:14 PM 0 comments

Girls Bedroom Ideas


Girls Bedroom Furniture Ideas

Little girl love to spend time in their bedrooms. This is a place all its own. A place where they can play their fantasies and dreams and have fun all means choose. What better way to help your girls dreams come true after having them around your favorite things! Decorating your girls bedroom can be both fun and rewarding experience for both of you.

Girls Bedroom Furniture

The most important factor is to hear the ideas of your girls.  You sit down and make a list of favorite things from toys to television programs. Would she like to have a themed girls bedroom? Or maybe it like her favorite colors painted on the walls. Of course, your budget is important, but makes bedroom for creative place your girl is more important.


Girls Bedroom Furniture

Whether you are a new parent looking for ideas for your new born girl, or are trying to come to an agreement with your ten year old who wants to change her room from a little girl’s bedroom to a big girl bedroom; finding girls bedroom furniture that will not blow your budget is not always easy.

Girls Bedroom Furniture

Many of the popular girls bedroom furniture are designed from Disney characters, rock stars, or any other theme that may be enticing for a young lady. If your girl is looking for pink paint colors for her bedroom, try to work out an agreement with her for wall decals, or furniture that can be painted her desired choice. Explain that not only will pink colors on girl bedroom walls make her moody and sad, it will also be very hard to paint over if you ever have to move or she decides to change girl bedroom furniture in a few years again.


Girls Bedroom Furniture

Another popular of the girls bedroom design parents find to get their children involved is to buy stencils of butterflies or flowers, seashells or whatever they can find that their daughter likes. Then you can use the stencils to paint these little creatures on the walls, on furniture like dresser drawers, and desk drawers, to make your little girl feel as if she is living in another world with her modern girl bedroom.


Posted by atirah mutaza at 12:01 PM 0 comments
teen bedroom ideas

When redecorating the room that used to be a child's, let the teenager show her own new personality, lifestyle, tastes and needs. Teens need to play the predominant role in the choices that go into their own space. She is now building her confidence, so help her by creating an individual environment for her. And allow yourself, her parent, to go a little wild when it comes to colors, window coverings and bedding...
Her room will tend to be much more eclectic and personal than any other room in the house! In fact, teenagers' bedrooms dare to be what we would all want our bedrooms to be: eclectic, trendy but unique, fresh, groovy and innovative.
Decorating a teen's room is a great project to work on together, making sure that you respect her taste for what is their bedroom.
Need tips on teen bedroom makeover decorating? Then check out these great bedroom decorating ideas from our team of designers at Personal tastes aside, here are some good ideas to transform a little girl's bedroom into a chich retreat for a young woman:
COLOR: Color is the key ingredient to any room's atmosphere. Color creates a mood. Color makes a statement. But color is also about personal taste. If she likes a certain color, allow her to use it, even if it's purple or other colors you'd never thought of having in a bedroom; but make sure she puts a lot of thought into this: remind her you can't just paint the walls of a bedroom every other week, so the color she chooses is going to stay there for a while. Let her take her own resposability with this choice.
When THE color has been picked, choose two to three complementary colors to scatter throughout the room in fabrics, curtains, and decorative accessories. Remember that a young bedroom can sport a broad spectrum of fabrics, from sunny stripes to fruity hues.

STORAGE: teenagers bedrooms must be both funny and functional. Storage solutions are a necessity in every room, especially with teens who have ever growing collections of CDs, magazines, text books, makeup, not to mention clothing and shoes, and maybe still some stuffed animals! :)
...So if you must have functional furniture make it funky!
Toy boxes are not good any longer, so make sure to provide lots of colorful yet sturdy storage solutions for your teen and she'll make sure to have everything in place. Colorful baskets are a good alternative for storage. And don't forget she needs to organize small things, too! For example, let her organize her desk in style with a set of color-coordinated desk accessories, etc. Message boards fall in this category, too. She will need space to hand little notes, pictures, memorabilia etc.

WORK SURFACE: create an ample work surface, possibly one that will easily accommodate a computer, keyboard, textbooks, desk accessories and notes. Encourage your teen to keep the surface tidy in order to facilitate studying. Also make sure that your teen has adequate lighting to work by as well as a supportive chair.

WINDOW TREATMENTS: be very creative when it comes to window coverings, because they can really make a difference. The sunlight that passes through your panels and curtains will give a whole new aspect to the bedroom, every hour of the day and night. You can either match them to the comforter, or, based on the colors of the room, chose coordinating colors but different patterns.

SOFAS, BEANBAG CHAIRS ETC: expect your teen girl to have lots of guests in her room: pajama parties, study groups, and best friends for a chat will always be welcome and need to find lots of space to sit, relax, study, listen to music etc. Consider adding a couple of funny and cool bean bag chairs to your daughter's bedroom, you could place them near the stereo to create a "Music Corner", then add a sofa or futon for even more sitting and lounging options. Then sprinkle the finishing touches about the room in the form of one-of-a-kind accessories.

LIGHTING: Lighting is important because your teen is going to be doing lots of activities in her room that require good lighting: reading, studying, etc. You can provide two different types of lighting, a main hainging lamp that gives light to the whole room, and then add several smaller funny light points near the bed (for late-night reading) near the stereo, on the desk. etc. In this way you are sure her eyes will get enough lighting, while still having a cool bedroom filled with nice stuff. If you're on a budget, you can reuse old lamps and add inexpensive funky lampshades for added atmosphere!

BEDDING: Teens bedding is a dream of color come true. Give her good reasons to go to bed at night. Buy funky beddings in coordinating colors so she can mix and match them depending on her mood. Different patterns create lovely ensemble that not even designers think of. Once again, let her imagination and creativity rule. Just give her ways to do so.

FLOOR COVERINGS: one day she will stop sitting on the floor, as you try to teach her, but it is not that time, yet. Now it's time to sit down and have a chat on the phone, lay down on a colorful rug, or on a comfy floor cushion near the bookcase. Give her colorful rugs to add interesting elements, but make sure they are also warm and good quality. Choose a color that matches the walls or the comforter, or the furniture.

PRIVACY: as she grows up, she will need more privacy that ever. Even more so if the room is shared by two or more sisters! Anyway, a teenager might want to retreat to a special place according to her mood, and you can give her the chance to do so without ever leaving her own bedroom: add groovy bead curtains, panels, canopies in two or three corners of the room (again, near the stereo, around her bed, near the window...) as to create different places she can escape to during the day.

BEDROOM THEMES: think bedroom themes are a thing of the past? She might be over the mermaids and the butterfliesthemes you created for her years ago, but this does not mean themes are to be banned. Just like for your decorating style, "themes" can help give the idea of wholeness to an otherwise chaotic teen bedroom. We have selected a few bedroom themes that will make any teen happy: Colorful stripes is all about stripes of colors in different hues that you can mix and match for limitless color combination; Funky Bedroom brings out her inner Diva: it's an exotic mix of silky textiles and animal prints. Moms will love this, too! Bohemian Chic Bedroom is a vintage-look collection for the trendy and stylish teenager. Hippie Chick bedroom is casual and comfy, a little retrò, a little hip. Mod Teenagers Bedroom has circles and stripes in pastels and brights for a crazy, fabulous, groovy bedroom. Omega Bedroom is modern, clean, fresh and trendy.Surfer bedroom is a lush tropical paradise for the the surfer girl. Oh La La! is perfect for a girls' night out slumber party andFlower Fusion is an evolution for the romantic girls with a modern twist.


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